PLAYER PROFILE - No.2 - James Murray

On this page, we talk to Vikings striker James Murray who has scored 63 goals for Vikings to date and 94 in total in the North Caledonian League with spells at Halkirk United, Golspie Sutherland and Inverness Athletic.

Name? James Murray

Nickname? Big Oz calls me cheeseburger

Age? 32

Favourite player growing up? Peter Lovenkrands

What team do you support? Rangers

Best player played with and against? Too many to choose from but i'll go for with Jamie Mackenzie and against probably Baba (Alan Sinclair)

Best Football memory to date? Winning first HA

Who has the worst timekeeping in the squad? Myself

Who is laziest at training? Probably me when I turn up ??

Aims for this season 2023/24? Realistically finish in the top half and a run in the cup

Favourite food and drink? Fajita pasta and coffee

Favourite holiday destination? Spain

If Vikings could sign any player in the world right now...who would you like to see us sign? Julian Alvarez