PLAYER PROFILE - No.6 - Darren Sheppard

This week, we talk to Vikings midfielder Darren Sheppard, who scored his second goal for the club v Golspie Sutherland at the Dammies last week.

Name? Darren Sheppard

Nickname? Don't really have one. Some people call me sheppy after my brother, tho

Age? 35

Favourite player growing up? Henrik larsson, Thierry henry

What team do you support? Celtic and Arsenal is my favourite English team

Best player played with and against? Grant McNab will be up there for both. Naturally fit and such a good all-around footballer. Greg shearer is a nightmare to Mark because he's so fit, and Baba must be the best defender in my football days

Best Football memory to date? Getting to the Highland amateur cup final with staxigoe

Who has the worst timekeeping in the squad? Haven't been at thurso long, but probably Jordan or James Murray

Who is laziest at training? Can't really say. I have only been too training mabe 5 or 6 times and the usual suspects probably haven't been there, haha.

Aims for this season 2023/24? Right now, make sure we don't finish at the bottom of the table

Favourite food and drink? Indian or pizza/calzone and favourite beer, probably Stella

Favourite holiday destination? Not long back from Rhodes in Greece. Was a great holiday

If Vikings could sign any player in the world right now...who would you like to see us sign? Jude Bellingham is doing unreal right now for a 20 year old