PLAYER PROFILE - No.7 - Jordan Howden

This week, we talk to Vikings defender Jordan Howden, who has has 8 starts for the Vikings since he joined the club.

Name?Jordan Howden

Nickname? Fish

Age? 28

Favourite player growing up? Thierry henry

What team do you support? Rangers

Best player played with and against? Playing with i would have to say Gordy Reid against Lukasz Geruzel

Best Football memory to date? Sending Lybster down to the second division always funny to get a laugh at bobby gunn.

Who has the worst timekeeping in the squad? James Murray

Who is laziest at training? If I am at training would have to say myself or James Murray

Aims for this season 2023/24? hopefully reach a cup final.

Favourite food and drink? mince and tatties and irn bru

Favourite holiday destination? Thailand

If Vikings could sign any player in the world right now...who would you like to see us sign? Haaland